title: “Refresh Project Folders Hotkey of Sublime Text 2,build 2221” date: 2015-02-03 13:25:39 tags:

  • 编辑器
  • hotkey categories:
  • 术业

  Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code.I use it on Windows and OS X.But,the the problem I have with it of Version 2.0.2(Build 2221,OS X Yosemite),is that the project folder does not auto refresh when I add new files or folders that were created.

  You can manually refresh the folders,but it’s not efficient.We can set up a hotkey to do the work.

  1. Open Sublime Text.
  2. Select Preferences form the the top menu and then open Key Bindings – Default
  3. Go to the end of the file add add a comma to the last entry.
  4. Add the following entry:
// Refresh folder list with super+shift+r
{ "keys": ["super+shift+r"], "command": "refresh_folder_list" }

  Now all you have to to is save the file and enjoy with this hotkey( + + R) to refresh your project!   Okay.In fact,this post is copy from Michael’s blog,but I don’t like use F5 on the Mac Book Pro.So, I changed the hotkey value to Super + shift + R. If you want to change the hotkey, simply switch [“super+shift+r″] for another value.