GO run multiple files without test

I am writing a project which has multiple files in the main package, after run go run *.go, I get this assert: go run: cannot run *_test.go files (shortener_test.go) WTF?! So I search Google and get this suggestion: 1 go build && ./<executable> I don’t think this one is a good solution, so I find another one: 1 go run !(*_test).go Wow, this one is perfect!


最近,暴风影音在 Apple App Store 中国大陆版本更新中声称『修复了闪退的 bug,还杀了一个程序员祭天』。 刚看到这条消息的时候,我对此不以为意。但是,有些朋

300行 Golang 实现区块链

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JS 遍历 NodeList 对象

0x1 问题描述 本博客使用的 Yilia 主题在移动设备上有这样一个问题:标签无法正常显示。使用 Chrome 浏览器进行远程调试,捕捉到了下列错误信息: 1 2 3 Uncaught TypeError: $tags.forEach is not a

